Privacy Coins in DeFi: Litecoin’s MWEB, Monero, Zcash, Dash


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Introduction to Privacy Coins

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to privacy coins for in DeFi. Today we will discuss The DeFi Raider’s pick of 4 of the more commonly known privacy based coin’s and their features that enable privacy. Privacy coins, such as Monero, Zcash, Dash, and Litecoin’s MWEB, are revolutionizing the cryptocurrency landscape by prioritizing user privacy through advanced privacy protocols.

Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, these top privacy coins offer enhanced financial privacy for users who value anonymity in their transactions. With features designed to keep cryptocurrency transactions private and secure, privacy coins have gained traction among those seeking a more discreet approach to their financial activities within the crypto exchange realm.

Our aim in this article is to give a general understanding of privacy coins in DeFi and how some of their protcols function. We want to do this as it will only increase their adoption over time.

Why privacy matters in cryptocurrency

Understanding the Cryptographic Foundations of Privacy Coins

In the fascinating world of privacy coins, the magic lies in their advanced cryptographic techniques. These techniques are the secret sauce that makes transactions private and secure. Let’s dive into some of these intriguing methods, unraveling their complexity in a way that’s easy to grasp for our crypto enthusiasts.

Ring Signatures: The Cloak of Invisibility for Transactions

Imagine you’re part of a group, and you pass a secret note to someone. With ring signatures, it’s like everyone in the group has identical envelopes. When you send your note, it’s impossible to tell who sent it because all the envelopes look the same. This is what Monero does with its transactions. By mixing a user’s transaction details with others, it creates a cryptographic jumble, making it incredibly challenging to pinpoint the origin of any specific transaction.

Stealth Addresses: One-Time Pads for Recipients

Stealth addresses are like disposable email addresses for your crypto transactions. Each time you receive funds, a new, unique address is generated. This means even if someone knows your public key, they can’t track your incoming transactions because each one goes to a different address. It’s like getting mail delivered to a new, secret location every time – only you know where to pick it up. This is another article where can also read more about stealth addresses.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs: The Art of Revealing Nothing Yet Proving Everything

Zero-knowledge proofs, used by Zcash, are like a magic trick. Imagine proving to someone you know a secret word without actually saying the word. In the crypto world, this means you can prove a transaction is valid without revealing anything about it – not the amount, not who’s involved. It’s a way of saying “This transaction is legit” without showing any of the transaction’s details.

Confidential Transactions: Keeping Amounts Under Wraps

Some privacy coins use a method called Confidential Transactions. This technique hides the amount of crypto being sent. It’s like sending a wrapped gift; the recipient knows a gift has arrived but can’t tell what’s inside until they open it. This adds another layer of privacy, as outsiders can’t see how much is being transferred.

By integrating these sophisticated cryptographic methods, privacy coins ensure that your financial dealings in the crypto universe remain your own. It’s a blend of secrecy and innovation, providing a haven for those who value privacy in their digital transactions. Understanding these foundations not only demystifies how privacy coins work but also highlights the ingenuity behind these digital assets. As we continue to explore the depths of cryptocurrency, it’s clear that privacy coins are more than just a means of exchange; they’re a testament to the power and potential of cryptographic innovation.

Untraceable Transactions

Privacy coins and protocols, such as Monero, Zcash, Dash, and Litecoin’s MWEB, are designed to offer enhanced user privacy. These cryptocurrencies prioritize confidentiality and anonymity for users engaging in transactions within the cryptocurrency world. For example, Monero utilizes ring signatures and stealth addresses to obfuscate transaction details.

These privacy features ensure that the identities of the parties involved and the amount transacted remain private. This is crucial for maintaining financial privacy in a landscape where traditional cryptocurrencies lack this level of confidentiality. You wouldn’t want anyone you sent so much as 5 dollars worth of a currency to, to automatically know your entire net worth now would you? That is why this is so important.

This means that when utilizing privacy coins like Monero or Litecoin’s MWEB for crypto exchanges or purchases, individuals can be assured that their transaction history remains shielded from prying eyes within the cryptocurrency landscape.

Real-World Applications of Privacy Coins

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, privacy coins like Monero, Zcash, Dash, and Litecoin’s MWEB are not just about keeping transactions confidential. They are increasingly becoming tools for real-world applications, offering solutions to everyday challenges and opening new possibilities. Let’s explore some of these practical applications that are reshaping how we think about financial privacy.

1. Protecting Personal Financial Data

In an age where data breaches are commonplace, privacy coins offer a shield for your financial data. Imagine shopping online without the fear of your transaction history being tracked or your account balance being exposed. Privacy coins ensure that your financial footprint remains your own, safeguarding against potential identity theft and financial fraud.

2. Empowering Journalists and Activists

In regions where freedom of speech is restricted, privacy coins become a powerful tool for journalists and activists. They allow for the secure transfer of funds, enabling these individuals to continue their important work without the risk of financial censorship or tracking by oppressive regimes. A real world example of cryptocurrency being used in this manner was the use of Bitcoin by Edward Snowden to buy time when he leaked his NSA revelations(He is a hero in my eyes!). This however won’t work any longer as Bitcoin is too known about, and tracing transactions is a whole industry on that chain at the moment.

3. Facilitating Cross-Border Transactions

For expatriates and immigrants sending money across borders, traditional banking systems can be slow and costly. Privacy coins streamline this process, offering a faster, more cost-effective way to send money home. The added privacy ensures that these transactions are secure and free from unnecessary scrutiny. Some places(even America) try to tax the fuck out of you if you try to leave in a very oppressive manner.

4. Enhancing E-Commerce

E-commerce businesses can leverage privacy coins to offer customers a more discreet shopping experience. Whether it’s purchasing sensitive items or simply valuing financial discretion, customers can shop with the assurance that their transactions remain private.

5. Supporting Charitable Causes Anonymously

Many people prefer to make charitable donations anonymously, either for personal reasons or to avoid unwanted solicitations. Privacy coins enable donors to support causes they care about without revealing their identity, ensuring that their generosity speaks louder than their name.

6. Creating Opportunities in Developing Countries

In developing countries where banking infrastructure is limited, privacy coins offer an alternative financial system. They provide a way for unbanked individuals to engage in digital transactions, opening up opportunities for economic participation and growth.

7. Safeguarding Against Market Surveillance

For investors and traders in the crypto market, privacy coins offer a way to protect their strategies and holdings from market surveillance. This ensures a level playing field, where financial decisions and assets are shielded from prying eyes.

Conclusion to Real World Applications of Privacy Coins

The applications of privacy coins extend far beyond mere transactional anonymity. They are emerging as vital tools in promoting financial freedom, protecting personal data, and enabling secure digital interactions in various spheres of life. As we embrace the digital age, the role of privacy coins in fostering a secure and private financial ecosystem becomes increasingly significant.

The Regulatory Landscape and Open Source Code in Crypto Markets

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, the regulatory landscape often appears as a labyrinth of complexities. At The DeFi Raider, we staunchly believe that the essence of blockchain and cryptocurrencies lies in their open-source nature, a principle that should ideally extend to the regulation of securities markets. The current attempts to regulate the crypto space, in our view, often transcend the boundaries of ensuring safety and clarity, veering into the realm of regulatory overreach.

Open Source Code: The Bedrock of Trust and Innovation

Open source code in blockchain technology is more than just a feature; it’s the bedrock of trust and innovation. It allows for transparent and democratic participation, fostering an environment where improvements and security are a collective responsibility. This ethos should ideally be mirrored in how securities markets are regulated. By embracing open source principles, regulatory frameworks can evolve to be more inclusive, transparent, and effective, aligning with the decentralized nature of blockchain technology.
Open Source is the Ethos of Crypto

Regulatory Overreach: A Hindrance to Innovation

While regulation is essential for maintaining order and protecting investors, excessive control can stifle innovation and the very spirit of decentralization that cryptocurrencies embody. Many current regulatory approaches seem to be driven by a desire to exert control rather than to provide clarity and safety. This overreach can hinder the growth and adoption of groundbreaking technologies, ultimately limiting the potential benefits they can offer to society.

The DeFi Raider’s Stance: Balancing Regulation and Freedom

At The DeFi Raider, we advocate for a balanced approach to regulation – one that protects users and investors while fostering innovation and freedom. Regulations should be clear, fair, and designed to work in harmony with the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies. They should empower users and developers, not constrain them. This is something we’ve talked before on a few occasions about regulatory overreach, obsolescence, and how code is law! It’s likely that with proper education, markets running on open source protocols should for the most part regulate themselves. We should mainly focus on going after the Sam Bankman Fried’s and Do Kwan’s of the world. I do not think we should not target people who simply don’t want to be forced to use manipulated state assets!

The Future of Crypto Regulation: A Collaborative Approach

Looking ahead, the future of crypto regulation should be shaped by collaboration between developers, and their communities. Open source code principles can guide this collaboration and foster community regulation. We must make our best efforts in ensuring that any regulations are developed transparently and with the collective wisdom of the community. Mainly regulations should strictly target bad actors. If there isn’t a victim there isn’t a crime. Such an approach can pave the way for a regulatory framework that not only ensures safety and clarity but also respects the ethos of decentralization and innovation inherent in the crypto world. In conclusion, as we navigate through the evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies, it’s crucial to remember that the true power of blockchain lies in its open-source nature and decentralized ethos. Regulations that align with these principles will not only be more effective but also more in tune with the revolutionary spirit of the crypto space, and those of it’s ever expanding user base.

How Privacy Coins Work

Enhanced Privacy Protocols

Privacy coins such as Monero, Zcash, Dash, and Litecoin using MWEB offer enhanced financial privacy through advanced protocols. These cryptocurrencies prioritize user confidentiality by implementing sophisticated cryptographic techniques to obfuscate cryptocurrency transactions. For individuals who value their financial privacy, these coins provide a secure option for conducting transactions without the risk of exposure.

Advanced Privacy Protocols

By utilizing intricate cryptographic methods, privacy coins ensure that users’ identities remain anonymous during transactions. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, which lack built-in privacy features, these innovative digital currencies make use of cutting-edge technology to safeguard user information. For instance, Monero utilizes ring signatures and stealth addresses to obscure transaction details and protect the identity of the sender and recipient.

Trading on Crypto Exchanges

One advantage of privacy coins is that they can be traded on various crypto exchanges and DEXs while still maintaining user anonymity. This allows individuals to engage in cryptocurrency trading within a secure environment without compromising their privacy or exposing sensitive financial information.

Benefits of using privacy coins

Benefits of Privacy Coins

Enhanced User Privacy

Privacy coins, such as Monero, Zcash, and Litecoin’s MWEB feature advanced privacy protocols and encryption techniques. These innovative measures ensure that users can conduct transactions without revealing their financial details to the public. For instance, Monero utilizes ring signatures and stealth addresses to obfuscate transaction details, providing an added layer of privacy for its users.

These top privacy coins employ cutting-edge technology like zero-knowledge proofs and shielded transactions to safeguard user privacy. This means that when individuals engage in cryptocurrency transactions using these coins, they can be assured that their financial information remains confidential from prying eyes.

Furthermore, by utilizing privacy coins, individuals have the ability to maintain a level of anonymity while conducting crypto exchanges. This is particularly beneficial for those who prioritize keeping their financial activities private.

Secure Transactions

One significant benefit of using privacy coins is the assurance of secure transactions. With traditional cryptocurrencies, transaction details are often visible on public ledgers, potentially exposing sensitive financial information. However, with privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Zcash and Dash, users can enjoy an extra layer of security through features such as optional transparency or coin mixing services which further conceal transaction origins.

Moreover, the incorporation of enhanced cryptographic techniques within these privacy features ensures that each transaction is conducted securely without compromising user confidentiality. As a result, individuals engaging in cryptocurrency transactions through these platforms experience heightened peace of mind knowing that their financial data remains protected from unauthorized access.

Top privacy coins in the market

Privacy Coins on Markets

Monero, ZCash, Dash, and Litecoin with MWEB

Privacy coins such as Monero, ZCash, Dash, and Litecoin with MWEB offer a level of privacy that traditional cryptocurrencies don’t. They use advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure that financial transactions are secure and private. For example, Monero utilizes ring signatures and stealth addresses to obfuscate the origin, amount, and destination of transactions. Similarly, ZCash employs zk-SNARKs technology to provide enhanced privacy by encrypting transaction data.

These privacy coins also prioritize user privacy by not requiring personal information for transactions. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies where transaction histories are publicly available on the blockchain, privacy coins shield this information from public view. This means that users can transact without having their financial activities exposed to others. There are other coins, and I am by no means a Maxi of anything but freedom! So be sure to do your research if you decide to use other protocols or coins for privacy!

Real Time Market Data for Litecoin, Monero, ZCash and Dash and other Top Privacy Coins

Privacy Coin Prices
Name Ticker Price (USD) Market Cap

Case studies of successful privacy coin implementations

Litecoin with MWEB

Litecoin is by far the most widely-accepted coin in this entire list. It is accepted at PayPal, MoneyGram, and many more vendors across the globe. While this coin is not explicitly focused on privacy, and did not have it’s roots in such functions it has gained them. Yes through it’s integration of MWEB(Mimblewimble Extension Blocks) Litecoin has gained the ability to do confidential transactions as well as increased it’s scalability!


As one of the top-tier privacy coins, Monero has successfully implemented confidential transactions and ring signatures to deliver an exceptionally high level of user privacy. By utilizing these innovative technologies, Monero ensures that transaction amounts remain concealed while obscuring sender and recipient addresses through ring signatures—a cryptographic technique that enhances anonymity by mixing multiple transactions together.


Renowned for its utilization of zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), Zcash offers robust privacy features enabling users to shield transaction details while upholding blockchain integrity. Through zk-SNARKs, Zcash empowers individuals to transact privately without divulging sensitive information such as sender address, recipient address or transaction amount—ensuring complete confidentiality throughout each exchange.


Although not exclusively focused on privacy-centric functionalities, Dash has implemented PrivateSend—a feature allowing users to mix their transactions with others’ funds anonymously using masternodes. By leveraging this approach, Dash enables participants to obfuscate transaction trails effectively—enhancing overall user confidentiality within the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Secure Transactions in the Cryptocurrency World

In addition to providing anonymity for users, privacy coins facilitate secure transactions within the cryptocurrency landscape. They offer an alternative to conventional cryptocurrencies for individuals seeking greater confidentiality in their financial dealings.

Comparison of the best privacy coins

Advanced Privacy Protocols

Privacy coins such as Monero, ZCash, Dash, and Litecoin’s MWEB are at the forefront of providing advanced privacy protocols for cryptocurrency transactions. These protocols utilize innovative technologies to ensure that user privacy and anonymity are maintained throughout the entire transaction process. For example, Monero employs ring signatures and stealth addresses to obfuscate transaction details, making it nearly impossible to trace the sender, recipient, or amount transacted.

These privacy-focused cryptocurrencies go beyond traditional cryptocurrencies by placing a strong emphasis on safeguarding financial privacy. Unlike conventional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, which operate on transparent blockchains where all transaction details are visible to anyone with internet access, privacy coins use sophisticated encryption methods to shield sensitive financial information from prying eyes.

Ideal for Users Valuing Privacy

For individuals who prioritize their financial confidentiality and seek a higher level of discretion in their transactions within the cryptocurrency landscape, these top-tier privacy coins offer an ideal solution. By leveraging these digital assets, users can conduct transactions without revealing personal identities or divulging specific transaction amounts. This heightened level of anonymity is particularly appealing for those who wish to maintain strict control over their financial activities while participating in crypto exchanges.

Factors to consider when choosing privacy coins

Enhanced Privacy and Anonymity

Privacy coins such as Monero, Zcash, Dash, and Litecoin with MWEB offer users the benefit of increased privacy and anonymity in their cryptocurrency transactions. For starters, this means that their financial activities remain private and untraceable. For instance, Monero utilizes ring signatures, stealth addresses, and confidential transactions to obscure transaction details.

These features ensure that the sender’s address, recipient’s address, and transaction amount are kept confidential. Similarly, Zcash employs zero-knowledge proofs to validate transactions without revealing any sensitive information about the sender or recipient. This level of privacy is crucial for individuals who prioritize confidentiality in their financial dealings.

Growing Popularity Among Users

With an increasing demand for privacy in the digital space, these privacy coins are gaining popularity among users seeking to safeguard their financial transactions from prying eyes. The integration of MimbleWimble technology through Litecoin’s MWEB upgrade further enhances its privacy features. This technological advancement aims to improve scalability while ensuring greater fungibility and obfuscation of transaction history.

For beginners entering the world of cryptocurrencies with a focus on privacy protection, understanding these key factors can aid in making informed decisions when selecting a suitable coin for their needs.

How to buy and store privacy coins

Cake Wallet, Trust Wallet, and Cold Storage are popular options for buying and storing privacy coins in DeFi. Cake Wallet supports BTC, LTC, DASH, XMR, ETH, and Trust Wallet supports BTC, LTC, DASH, XMR, ZEC, ETH and many more assets. At the time of at the time of writing MWEB isn’t directly supported by mobile, however you can swap into and out of it for XMR, ZCash, Dash BTC, and ETH, etc. This is important because Litecoin can be obtained from traditional crypto vendors like Coinbase or PayPal. These wallets provide a secure way to store privacy coins.

Privacy coins like Monero, Zcash, Dash, and Litecoin’s MWEB offer enhanced financial privacy compared to traditional cryptocurrencies. Users looking to buy these privacy coins can use crypto exchanges that support these cryptocurrencies and provide wallet addresses for storage.

Buying Process

To purchase privacy coins in DeFi for investment or spending, users need to find a reputable crypto exchange that offers the specific coin they want. Once an exchange is chosen, users can create an account and complete the necessary identity verification process. You can also swap directly in a wallet if you already have crypto that is supported.

Storing Privacy Coins

Once purchased, it’s crucial to store privacy coins securely. Cold storage options like hardware wallets provide an added layer of security by keeping the private keys offline. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access or hacking attempts.

Using a wallet address provided by reputable wallets such as Cake Wallet or Trust Wallet ensures that privacy coins are stored safely within a user-controlled environment.

Risks associated with privacy coins in DeFi

Increased Anonymity

Privacy coins in DeFi like Monero, Zcash, Dash, and Litecoin’s MWEB provide users with advanced privacy protocols, offering enhanced financial privacy compared to traditional cryptocurrencies. These coins allow users to keep their transactions private and anonymous, a feature lacking in many other cryptocurrencies.

While this increased anonymity can be beneficial for users seeking enhanced privacy, it also presents significant risks. Because of the high level of privacy these coins offer, they are nearly impossible to track if stolen. This makes security even more crucial when using privacy coins in DeFi or for payment. Without proper security measures in place, the risk of theft is heightened due to the difficulty in tracing unauthorized transactions.

Future of privacy coins in the crypto market

Growing Demand for Privacy Coins in DeFi

Privacy coins in decentralized finance such as Litecoin with MWEB, Monero, Zcash, and Dash, are experiencing a surge in popularity within the cryptocurrency world. Their advanced privacy features and protocols have positioned them as top choices for users seeking enhanced security and confidentiality. These privacy coins offer a level of financial anonymity that far surpasses traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

The increasing concern about online privacy has fueled the demand for these privacy-focused digital currencies. As more individuals become aware of the risks associated with their financial transactions being exposed on public ledgers, the appeal of privacy coins is expected to grow substantially. This growing interest will likely lead to an upsurge in adoption and usage on various crypto assets.

Privacy coins provide a heightened sense of security by offering users greater control over their transactional information. For instance, Monero utilizes ring signatures and stealth addresses to obfuscate transaction details, ensuring complete anonymity for its users. Similarly, Zcash employs zero-knowledge proofs to enable private transactions without revealing any sensitive data.

This uptick in demand won’t just be from new privacy coin users. It will be from long term crypto assets holders and users wishing to conduct financial transactions in a way that doesn’t broadcast all their financial business. This is something I am nearly certain we will see more an more of as cross-chain DeFi bridge protocols keep popping up too!

Enhanced User Privacy

Moreover, Litecoin’s MWEB implementation aims to enhance fungibility while also providing improved user privacy through features such as Confidential Transactions (CT) and CoinJoin. Dash offers PrivateSend functionality that allows users to anonymize their funds by mixing them with others’ transactions via the network of nodes.

Conclusion to our Guide to Privacy Coins in DeFi

Privacy coins offer a compelling solution for individuals seeking enhanced anonymity and security in their cryptocurrency transactions. With the rise of surveillance and data breaches, the demand for privacy-focused digital assets continues to grow. As highlighted in this article, the top privacy coins like Litecoin’s Mimblewimble, Monero, Zcash, and Dash each present unique features and benefits, catering to diverse user preferences and needs. Understanding the intricacies of how these privacy coins function, their potential risks, and the future developments in this space is crucial for anyone considering their adoption.

As the crypto landscape evolves, staying informed about privacy coins and their evolving technologies will be essential. Whether for personal use or investment purposes, individuals should conduct thorough research and consider consulting with financial advisors before integrating privacy coins into their portfolios. By staying proactive and well-informed, users can navigate the complexities of privacy coins with confidence.

While our guide focuses on introducing privacy coins for beginners, we do hope that all readers found this information useful! For more awesome DeFi Raiding, check out The DeFi Raider’s DeFi Blog! The DeFi Raider has over a decade of experience in the fields of cryptocurrency and digital assets, and over 2 decades of experience in various computer science fields!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are privacy coins?

Privacy coins are a category of cryptocurrencies designed to provide enhanced anonymity and privacy for transactions. They utilize various techniques such as stealth addresses, ring signatures, and zero-knowledge proofs to obscure transaction details.

Why is privacy important in cryptocurrency?

Privacy is crucial in cryptocurrency as it protects individuals from potential surveillance, identity theft, and financial tracking. It ensures that users can conduct transactions with a higher level of confidentiality and security.

How do privacy coins work?

Privacy coins employ a variety of techniques to obfuscate transaction details, making it difficult to trace the sender, recipient, or the amount transacted. This enhances user privacy by preventing unauthorized access to their financial activities.

What are the benefits of using privacy coins for beginners?

Using privacy coins is useful for more than just beginers. Their use offers enhanced anonymity, confidentiality, and security for financial transactions. It provides protection against surveillance and safeguards sensitive information related to one’s financial activities.

How can one buy and store privacy coins securely?

To purchase privacy coins, individuals can use reputable cryptocurrency exchanges or wallets with swaps that support these specific assets. Storing them securely involves utilizing hardware wallets or secure software wallets known for their robust security features.

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